Kristine Schwarz Gold
Salem, Oregon

What's Up:
 I remarried in September 2012 to a wonderful man I have known for 30 years. His wife passed away a number of years ago and we got together. He is a new car dealer in Newport, Oregon where we have a home on the coast and live there about 6 months each year. We spend the winter months in Palm Springs, California where we have a home on a beautiful golf course. I took up golf a little over a year ago and really enjoy it!
 My Occupation:
My Family:
 My mom lives with us both in Oregon and California. She will be 93 this year. All 5 of my children and soon to be 10 grandchildren live in Hawaii.
 Favorite Memories:
Farmer's Barns, Poster Parties






Last modified:
August 19, 2018