Louis Samuelson Fornander
Colorado Springs, Colorado



What's Up:
Right now, my days are divided between caring for two of the cutest  grandkids in the world and working the political scene.  I've always had strong opinions, but as a teacher I felt impelled to limit my activities.  Now all bets are off and I'm having a great time "fighting the good fight" right here in Neocon/Focus on the Family central (Colorado Springs)  We are also freer to travel when the weather is right, so my husband and I have taken some of those dream vacations we'd never had time for before.

My Occupation:
I've just retired from teaching in Colorado Springs School District Eleven.  My husband retired from teaching in the same school system in '99.  Even though teaching wasn't the most profitable occupation, I loved the stimulation to learn more every day, and PERA made it possible to exit the rat race early.  I'm grateful that I don't have to deal with all of the misery that the privatization movement has created for public schools today.   With luck, I'll be able to play a role in stopping the dismantling of the system before the damage is too great.  I can't imagine where I would be if it hadn't been for WRHS, and I want my grandchildren to have the same opportunities.

My Family:
We have three children.  Chris, our oldest, is living in Germany.  She has a great job and is taking advantage of every chance she has to tour in Europe.  She was a terrific tour guide when we visited her last spring.  Nancy, next in line, is a new mom.  I couldn't be happier that she lives near us, and that I am able to help her care for Lexie (3) and Jordan (2).  I forgot to enjoy my own children as they were growing up, but I'm making up for it now.  John, our youngest, is finishing up at CU-Boulder.   Someday, we're going to have to have the tough talk about finding a job.  Any advice?

Favorite Memories:
My over-protective parents sort of crimped my style in high school, so my best memories are in the classroom or gym.  I loved the fact that Mrs. Eken gave up on improving my shorthand speed and just let me research and write for FBLA.  I cherished being called "Lady Hercules," and the fact that boys wouldn't date me until they knew they could outrun me on the track.  And I took my first steps as a feminist when I went to Mr. Solem and asked to use the boys' Cross Country team warm-ups for a girl's track meet in the spring.  (He said it wasn't good for girls to run, and "No" on the warm-ups.) 







Last modified:
August 19, 2018