What's Up: Just went through a nasty divorce this past year which took up most of my time. I still try to keep in shape but it is not as easy as it used to be! I like to hike on all the open space trails around the area. I would like to get back into drag racing but it is so expensive now days I don't know?
My Occupation: I have been a machinist since 1967 with a little time out for some auto mechanics work for Oldsmobile. I have worked at the same shop for the past 30 years.
My Family:
Married in 1965 after graduation to Linda Kilgroe had one son
Robert; he lives in Phoenix with his wife Nickie and two wonderful
grandkids Lauren 7 and Trent 3 years old. He is a computer programmer
for General Electric Finance. His wife Nickie is a computer programmer
for the federal court system of AZ. I got divorced in 1968.
I stayed single until 1991 when I married a lady form Chicago; she had 2
kids Kristin 12 and Steve 10 years old. Kristin and her husband live in
Thornton and have 3 wonderful kids Jake 7 Wesley 5 and Kileigh 2.5 years
old. Steve lives in Newnan, Georgia and works for Lockheed Martin in
Murrieta, Georgia building F22 fighter jets. It's great to have all of
these grandkids. Unfortunately, I got divorced in July of 2005.Favorite Memories: High school track meets and 3:15 in the afternoon.
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