Kathy Overdier Myrick
Kiowa, Colorado
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For the past
25 years, I have lived near Kiowa, Colorado in our dream home my
husband, Bob built on our 35 acre ranch. Kiowa is a small town
about 25 miles east of Castle Rock where there is still plenty of
open space to enjoy. We moved here from Denver because we loved the
small town life and it has been a great place to raise our
children. I still enjoy waterskiing, camping and reading. I am
also an avid pheasant hunter. I enjoy hunting with the family and
do so every Thanksgiving in eastern Colorado. I travel often with
my sister and best friend, Sally (a ’63 graduate of WRHS). We have
been to a lot of interesting places. All in the USA, of course. My
other interests are quilting, photography and gardening. Since I
live on the high plains, my prairie gardens are a real challenge. I
use a lot of xeroscape plants and drip when ever possible. I love
roses, so I grow “old” roses and various bush roses. What fun I
have! Gardening is very therapeutic.
My Occupation:
graduation from WRHS, I stated my working career at Eakers
Department Store as a sales clerk, just long enough to buy my first
car, a 1955 Pontiac. I then began working in downtown Denver for an
insurance company as a policy typist, using a “manual” typewriter.
Can you imagine that! But, my dream was always to become a
“stewardess” which I accomplished and flew for a short time for the
“old” Frontier Airlines. It was fun, but I still loved the business
world, because it was an 8 to 5 day and my weekends were mine. So I
quit the airlines and worked for various other companies as an
Administrative Assistant until my first son was born. I was then
content to be a stay-at-home mom and raise my three sons. After my
youngest was in school, I went back to work and I’m now currently
working for an independently owned commercial leasing company,
Alexander Capital Corporation, in Castle Rock, Colorado as their
Operations Manager. The company is small with only 8 employees and
I love my work. I plan on working until I can retire.
My Family:
I have been
married to Robert (Bob) Myrick for 33 years come October. Bob works
for Elbert County Government in Kiowa as their Construction
Manager. He owed his own construction company for many years
building custom homes. Bob is an avid drag racer. He owns a ’64
Nova and ’64 Chevelle. He races the Nova at Bandimeer Speedway in
Morrison, Colorado and also at Pueblo Motor Sports race track in
Pueblo, Colorado. We have been blessed with three wonderful sons:
Justin (26), Brandon (23) and Aaron (21).
Justin (26) and his wife Amy live in Aurora, Colorado with their
French Brittney dog “Brody”. Justin works for a major insurance
company as an underwriter and his wife is a CPA for an accounting
firm in Denver. He graduated from Adams State College in Alamosa,
Colorado with a B.S. in Business Administration/Finance. Justin and
Amy met while attending college. He enjoys fly fishing, hunting and
drag racing. Amy loves quilting and reading.
Brandon (23) lives in Aurora, Colorado. He graduated in May 2005
from Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado with a B.A. in
Business Administration/Marketing. He is working construction while
seeking employment conducive to his degree. (If any one has a lead,
let me know). Brandon enjoys snowboarding, wakeboarding and
Aaron (21) lives in Fort Collins, Colorado and works for an auto
dealership while attending Front Range Community College. He also
enjoys the sport of drag racing. He “won” the High School
Championship three years in a row at Bandimeer Speedway. He raced
his dad’s ’64 Chevelle. What a thrill!
My mother, Marie Overdier, will turn 90 in February. WOW! She
still lives in the home I grew up in and is doing amazingly well.
She fills her time with sewing, quilting and making neck pillows.
She volunteers once a month with an organization called, “Warm
Hearts, Warm Babies”. They make clothes for new born preemie
babies. She spends her “spare” time tending to her rose garden.
My dear father, Chester Overdier, passed away five years ago in July
2000. I miss him dearly.
The rest of my family, 7 brothers and sisters, all live in Colorado
and are doing fine.
Favorite Memories:
WOW, I can’t
believe it has been 40 years!! How time flies. There are sooooo
many memories, just to name a few . . .
Farmer’s Barns and we danced to “live” music.
The musicals, “South Pacific” and the “King and I”. What fun.
Homecoming bon fires, a thing of the past, except if you live in
Kiowa; we still do this out here in the country!
Having a “crush” on Gregg Marshall my junior year and finally
getting a date with him.
The thrill of winning the AAA 1963 State Basketball Championship.
Not being able to wear “culottes” to school.
Hearing the announcement during Homeroom class that President
Kennedy had been assassinated.
Friday nights, after the football and basketball games, cruising
Wadsworth Blvd with my friends.
McDonalds 15 cent hamburgers and 10 cent fries; Scotchman; cinnamon
cokes; teased hair, the “flip” hairdo; frosted lipstick; manual
typewriters, shorthand; pep rallies, poster parties.
And Mr. Roberts, who taught World History, told us that “If you keep
from becoming a “RUTABAGA” you’ll always be a winner!!
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