| John Larson Wheat Ridge, Colorado Back | | What's Up: Happily retired! My wife and I are enjoying traveling the world. Three trips to Maui, Denver Concert Band trip to France and Germany, trip to Italy with great friends, and a trip to China in September-October. When I am not on an airplane getting TB (tired butt), you can find me playing French Horn with the Denver Concert Band or in Silverton with the GWRMBB. I love to rock climb with my good friends, the "Tower Rats". We make an annual pilgrimage to Devil's Tower in Wyoming each Labor Day to climb until our fingers lose their prints, drink cold beers in the evening and do it again the next day. I enjoy mountain biking in Utah and hiking with Linda here in Colorado. If there is any time left, I work around the house, read Harry Potter and eat popsicles with the grandkids.
My Occupation: I was a Junior High Teacher for 17 years until the Jefferson County School District turned me into a Middle School Teacher (how sad) for the next 13 years. I taught music for the first 15 years and then got my masters in Computer Education and taught various computer classes for the next 15 years. I was also responsible for computer maintenance for the 120 Macintosh computers. (To this day, I still have trouble spelling PD PC.) I also administered the Mac file server and did most of the trouble shooting involved in running a school network (hubs, routers, printers, wiring and a few "not too bright teachers.")
My Family: I married Linda Michels (look her up in the Yearbook) after we were re-introduced in a college class at CU by Joan Simeral (look her up, too). (I was retaking an education class that I had failed.) (Love certainly improved my study habits.) I left CU and joined the United States Air Force and played in the last band at Lowry, the Air Force Band of the Rockies. Our first daughter was born in Champaign, Illinois while I was stationed at Chanute AFB. I returned to CU in 1972 and finished my degree in music and began teaching in 1973 when my second daughter was born. Each daughter now has two children (each a boy and a girl, not necessarily in that order.)
Favorite Memories: I have fond memories of great musical experiences with Larry Wallace and the Wheat Ridge High School Band and Orchestra! I also remember playing in the Pep Band for basketball games on cold winter nights. After the games we might go to the Farmer Barns and listen to Denny Spears' rock and roll band. Sometimes (spelled many times) we would tell our parents that we were going to the "Library" (cold car, hot bodies, and steamy windows) where we would study under the spell of 3.2 libations.Back |  |  |  |