Barb Hizel Ludka
Lakewood, Colorado


What's Up:
Looking forward to traveling more and attending the 45th class reunion.  We love to travel; have taken several cruises and extended car trips to California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah. Enjoy family gatherings, babysitting the granddaughters and gardening. Our kids went to Bear Creek High; we went to quite a few football and basketball games.  Enjoy Broncos and Nuggets.

My Occupation:
Retired on June 30, 2010 after 21 years doing government payroll.  Worked my way up to payroll supervisor.  My dream job was to be a dietician.  Enjoying gardening, joined the recreation center for deep water aerobics.

Still after 15 years belong to a Toastmaster club where I had worked, also helping mother-in-law organize her home.

My Family:
2 children, 2 granddaughters we love dearly.  Art retired from mortgage loans in Jan 05.  Lost both my folks over the past two years has been rather hard. 

Favorite Memories:
Basketball, football, track, wrestling-Pep Club.  Taking state in basketball our first year at WRHS.  Friends, trumpet trio, some pretty neat teachers.







Last modified:
July 05, 2018