Diane Harris
Westlake Village, California

What's Up:
Work has often been consuming for me, filled with responsibilities I take seriously (too seriously??) and requiring many late hours.  So, I particularly cherish my free time and my vacation time.  I do my best to take advantage of my proximity to LA and Santa Barbara with all their cultural offerings [the LA Philharmonic, a Santa Barbara based chamber music group, great theater, interesting dance groups, a wide assortment of �artsy� movies, great museums (the Getty & others) and quirky galleries].  On top of all that, the area is full of great restaurants serving an extensive variety of American and more exotic fare, and it�s close to some great wine regions.  I�ve enjoyed investigating both, the price of which is the need for a serious and regular program of exercise to help keep the unwanted pounds at bay.  Finally, like many of you, I have found traveling an exhilarating and engaging pastime.   I�ve visited some wonderful places in the US and outside the country, as well.  I�m eagerly looking forward to my next big trip:  viewing a total solar eclipse off one of the Greek isles next March.

My Occupation:
Since graduating from the University of California at Santa Barbara, I�ve been doing accounting related work, mostly in the financial services industry.  Once I figured out that I was going to have to work for a living, I decided to go back to school and get my MBA.  I got my graduate degree from UCLA in 1987.  For the past seven plus years, I�ve been working for First Data Corporation directing the financial planning and analytic activities for a subsidiary engaged in providing credit card processing services to merchants. 

My Family:
No children and no husband.  But vicariously, I enjoy the family life of my sister, her husband and her 14 year old son.  For the last six years, I have been dating a wonderful man who, unfortunately, won�t be with me at our Reunion festivities, since he is spending some time in Arizona with his ailing father.

Favorite Memories:
In a way, graduation day was a high point; I was SO glad to be finished with high school and SO ready to get started on whatever came next.   Other special memories:  the trip to Spain between my sophomore and junior year and school dances.


Geneva, Switzerland

Summit of Mauna Kea (Hawaii)






Last modified:
July 05, 2018