What's Up:
I work too
much. From the emails I've been getting about high school, it might
be a genetic pre-disposition. Between being a State Rep and a
Teacher, not much time is left in the day. Lately I've gotten back
into the theater, just to have more fun and involve myself in music
and the dramatic arts, to tap matters of the heart rather than the
intellect. And I am promising myself that I will start painting
again after an 11 year hiatus. I put in a graywater system in my
backyard and I'm growing the biggest cantaloupes you've ever seen.
My Occupation:
I'm both a
public school teacher and a State Representative. We have an unpaid
citizen legislature in New Mexico, so you have to keep your day
job. I am now teaching teachers, mostly how to teach reading. As a
State Rep, I am a progressive Democrat, focusing on education,
renewable energy and energy efficiency, domestic violence, women's
issues, good government issues, and water. I have served 11 years
and I'm now chair of 2 committees. It is hard to be an "outsider"
Anglo woman in the NM legislature, but I get in there and fight like
hell with the big boys for what I think is right. I try to be part
of the gang by wearing cowboy boots and cursing, instead of the
usual, being bought and sold by moneyed interests. I'm nervous about
the direction this country is headed, and appalled at our
intransigence when it comes to the environment and health care. So
I'm trying to be part of the solutions. My long range plan (to
begin in Jan. '07) is to retire from the public schools, consult in
education and just do politics. Maybe then I'll have time for a
relationship. Either that or a run for Congress.
My Family:
I have a
wonderful poet/writer for a daughter, 22, Hannah, who spent 2 years
at Wellesley but is now in L.A., dabbling in writing and taking
classes at various colleges. Step-son, Boris, in Massachusetts, a
computer genius. I married their father, the same guy, twice, and
divorced him twice. As his best man in the second wedding said,
"This is clearly a case of hope over experience!" Oh well. As I
said, not much time for a relationship.
Favorite Memories:
Drill Team was
so fun; Mr. Manis's English class; Spirit Bug announcements on
Fridays; wanting to be in gymnastics because of Mr. Bradley; Dan
Campbell taking me to the senior prom; Bill McVicker and South
Pacific; the King and I; Miss Lynen telling me I should do comedy;
our great sports victories; hearing about Kennedy in Miss Noland's
class; Farmer's Barns; "throwing" a debate in Miss Christensen's
Speech class in the last week of school; Byron Wilcurt giving me a
diamond necklace; so many great friends: Marty, Carol, Diana,
Linda(s), Connie, Priscilla, Becky, Tia, Joan, Mary Anne, Dan, Guy,
Wade, Doug.