Janet Ginn Burns
Littleton, Colorado

What's Up:
I am still playing tennis and bridge, managing to schedule around my work hours. My husband and I also enjoy lots of travel. We love to take cruises, and go house boating on Lake Powell every year.

My Occupation:
I am a Library Assistant working part-time at Bemis Public Library in Littleton. I catalog and process new books to fill the shelves. After raising kids and working for my husband, I wanted a job where I would interact with other adults. And libraries are good places!

My Family:
My husband, Gene, and I both attended CSU and have been married for 35 years. Our children have a different allegiance and both attended CU. Our son, Scott, married an English girl and lives and works in London. They are expecting our first grandchild in February. Our daughter, Gena, is married and moving back to Littleton after living and working in the Vail valley and Beaver Creek since 1998.

Favorite Memories:
Going to a lot of football and basketball games and Barn dances with friends.  Summers working at "Monaco Beach and Blade Club".  The "French Tour" my sophomore year with Mr. Mahaffey, our French teacher, and his wife driving Volkswagen buses through France.  Missing our plane back.






Last modified:
June 30, 2018