| June Giddings Losier Germantown, Tennessee
Back | | What's Up: I am currently interested in photography. I am not a professional but many of my friends have tried to talk me into it. I enjoy taking pictures at weddings (staying on opposite sides from the professional photographers so I don't interfere with their pictures) and surprising my friends with some "pretty good pictures" the day after their son or daughter's wedding. It always pleases me to get a phone call several days before a shower or wedding with a request to be sure to bring my camera (35mm Canon EOS). They love to take the pictures to show everyone just a few days after the event. My other favorite pastime is spending time with and taking pictures of our two adorable granddaughters (ages 5 and 4). We now know that these precious grandchildren are our reward for surviving our own children's teen-age years!! One last favorite activity is traveling (mainly to Hawaii and Destin, FL). My husband has been a pilot with FedEx for 26 years and will be retiring this Dec. so we plan to do a lot more traveling very soon. Yea!!!
My Occupation: I received my degree in Elementary Education 35 years ago and then married an Air Force pilot. After traveling from base to base for several years I decided to substitute teach for awhile and then when our youngest daughter was in 5th grade I taught pre-school. Now that we are traveling more and enjoying our grandchildren, we are ready for retirement. However, several of us are trying to find part-time jobs for our husbands who have been flying all over the world for the past 25-26 years while we have been holding down the home front. We are all a little bit concerned about going from husbands being gone 3/4ths of the time to being home 100% of the time - yikes!!! Any words of wisdom from other retirees will be greatly appreciated! Bring your notes to the reunion - I will be all ears!
My Family: My husband, John, and I have 2 grown daughters, ages 31 and 22. Both are married and we are very lucky to have 2 wonderful son-in-laws. Our oldest daughter, Sheri, also married a pilot (in the Air National Guard) and now he is flying for FedEx. His father-in-law gave him a good recommendation and the Chief Pilot at the time was a good friend of ours so that at least guaranteed him an interview and then he had to take it from there. Watching Sheri and Jim is like watching my life all over again except for one small detail. My 2 daughters were born 9 years apart whereas her 2 daughters were born less than 1 year apart! Our other daughter, Tiffany, is also a pilot (I'm the only non-pilot in the family as Sheri also has her pilot's license). She was attending MTSU when she fell in love and eloped! Thank goodness she had already finished getting her 3 required flight ratings (Instrument, Commercial and Multi-Engine) before cupid got involved. After we recovered from the first initial shock of hearing "Hi Mom and Dad, Bryan and I just got married yesterday", we found out what a wonderful guy he was. We had already done the big wedding thing with Sheri and I was dreading another migraine head-ache! It's kind of fun experiencing this both ways. The 2nd way is definitely a lot less stress and a lot cheaper!! Bryan and Tiffany had both seen what big weddings did to their Moms, with older sisters several years before, and wanted nothing to do with it. Now that we have met Bryan's family and realized that we are so much alike, we are all very relieved not to be planning a wedding. We are now able to use that money to help Tiffany finish her Professional Pilot degree and for Bryan to finish his Masters Degree. And life goes on!!
Favorite Memories: This is a tough one. It's been 40 years!! I guess my favorite memories mostly revolved around our WRHS Band. Of course we all adored Mr. Wallace who was our "Mr. Holland's Opus" and we were like a family. It was also great fun attending all of our WRHS sports events - especially going to State playoffs in basketball. What a thrill! I remember it like it was yesterday. In fact, wasn't it just yesterday?! Where did 40 years go? I guess the last fond memory was when Fred Littlepage and his group of buddies dressed up like ballerinas for a talent show. Everyone was in stitches and as I remember they were really quite good for as little time as they had to prepare for such a huge event. Wish we could have a repeat performance at the reunion!! See you there. Back | 
June and Family
Daughters and the "New Guys"
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