| Ann Duston Rasmussen Ault, Colorado Back | | What's Up: My husband and I enjoy camping and spending time in the out of doors. We garden together, and we continue to remodel and up date an older home. I also enjoy photographing my garden beauties, my daughters, my precious little grandson, and the pets. In 2001 I traveled to England with 20 University of Northern Colorado English majors enrolled in their English senior seminar We traveled the English country side visiting points of interest for the great English authors. In 2003 we took a second seminar group to Ireland to study the Irish contributions to literature. My next trip, I hope, will be next summer to Scotland, with or without students in tow. I also maintain an academic web site for the classes I teach. (http://asstudents.unco.edu/ann) Stop by and see to what students are up to these days). In quiet moments I scrapbook and sew and try to read for pleasure, instead of grading essays.
My Occupation: For the last 11 or 12 years I have been teaching Freshman English, College Research Paper, and Intro to Literature and the New Freshman seminar at University of Northern Colorado. Best job in the world. I always scan my student rolls for WRHS graduates and over the years have a few Farmers. I will continue teaching these wonderful young people as long as my body will get out of bed.
My Family: The family is small: Two daughters 30 and 27. The oldest lives in Denver and works for Swingle Tree Service. She graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in horticulture. She has a two and a half year old boy. The second daughter just married the end of June and works for HP in Loveland. My husband of 31 years has worked for 27 years in manufacturing in Ft. Collins. My parents both passed. Brother David (VP for class of '66, wrestler, and gymnast) lives in Kingwood, Texas--but I'll let him enter his info. Our sister who graduated from Golden in '74 is in Hot Springs, South Dakota.
Favorite Memories: I loved working on the school newspaper with Kathy Baker and Susan--sorry, your last name is not coming to mind!!!(a senior moment) and the rest of the staff. Participating on the speech team helped build my confidence. My favorite teacher and probably the one who inspired me to teach and was by far the most rigorous of teachers was speech teacher and speech coach Miss Christenson. What an inspiration and role model she was. Back |  | | |