What's Up: I enjoy foreign travel ( In 2003, my 90 year old Mother took her children to visit her parents homelands of Hungary and Slovakia). Doug and I are going back there Sept. 2006, We visited our son Matthew when he lived in England and I went to Fatima and Lourdes in 2002 with my sister, Binny. Just can't seem to get to the HS reunions!I also love gardening and reading. I used to be an avid seamstress, but lately have only made Halloween costumes and PJ's for the 5 grandchildren. I have a brand new embroidery sewing machine which I am learning to use. Most especially, I love spending time with the grandkids. We have 3 boys locally and 2 ( girl and boy) in Iowa.
My Occupation: I work as a library assistant in the Periodicals Dept at the College of the Holy Cross. I am one of 3 people in the dept. and we maintain 1700 paper journals, hundreds of electronic journals, the newspaper collection and take care of binding, claiming, discarding and all matters pertaining to the serial collection. We have 4 libraries on campus. My Family: My husband, Doug and I have 4 children. Chamoni, wife of Drew DeLong and mother of Autumn and Cameron in Decorah IA. Jeffrey, husband of Aimee and father of Owen, Caleb and Jared. Matthew, husband of Brooke and our youngest, Kara-Denise, who is back home with us. My 92 year old Mother, Cecilia, still lives on Braun Ct in the house my father built in 1950. All of my siblings are in the Denver area. My brother Mark died in 2002.
Favorite Memories: Bonfires for Homecoming, Mr. Manus' English class. Back |  |