Susan Carroll Scott
Krum, Texas

What's Up:
 We have officially retired and now live in the country. Live in a small town called Krum. We garden, can the fruits of our labor. Raise chickens. I am the neighborhood animal baby sitter. We love being with family and having family game nights. We do this with friends as well. Mostly we like doing DIY projects around our home. We like to travel even tho we don't do much of that any more.
 My Occupation:
 Retired sub from the Irving school district. I do not wish it to have been anything other than wife, mom and sub. Enjoyed the classroom with out the stress of lesson plans, meetings etc.
 My Family:
We have two grown children. Our daughter still is teaching at Berkner H. S. where she is the math dept. head as well as the coach for the AC-DEC team. She has one son attending St. John's in N.Y. where he is a Jr.  Her daughter is a freshman attending University of N. TX. and she also has a 10 year old son in the 4th grade. Our son is still at the Lewisville fire dept. as a firefighter/paramedic. He has two sons, 17, 15 and daughter 13. They stay pretty busy - all of them - but sure do enjoy family time when we can manage it.
 Favorite Memories:
 There are so many memories. Pep club, farmers barn, best school contest, state champions, football games, dances. Some teachers, office duty, and of course friends. Stayed in touch with Cheryl Fuschino Richards. She was and still is my best friend from high school. I was a transplant from the Denver school system and she was the first person that befriended me. Friends for 53 yrs. and still going.







Last modified:
June 30, 2018