Shirley Bennett Reiner
Commerce City, Colorado

What's Up:
I have been divorced for 2 years and enjoying single life.
I have owned corvettes (8 in all) since I was 21 and that is
really an exciting part of my life now.  I am a member of
Looking Glass Corvette Association and I participate in many
activities with my car - 1987 Corvette convertible, red.

My Occupation:
I am currently a buyer for an electrical distributor.

My Family:
I have a son who is 28, married and expecting (his wife) my first
grandchild in February, 2006.

I have a daughter who is 32, married, but still just has a dog.

Favorite Memories:

Shirley and her 1987 Corvette.






Last modified:
June 30, 2018