| Rich (Ben) Benjamin Ashland, Oregon
Back | | What's Up: I have been blessed with the life I've had. I've steered it to little work and lot of play. Social work (YMCA, countywide food bank) gave me spending money for most of the last 4 decades. Tennis and running led most of the play. Now I work 16-18 hours a week distributing natural foods to stores and restaurants. For play I run on trails a lot and enter 100-mile runs. I plan to complete 4 100's this summer. Two are behind me (California and Vermont). The third is in Leadville in August and the fourth is above Salt Lake on the reunion weekend. I'm vegan - i.e. no meat, dairy or eggs...I despise the factory farming of animals.
My Occupation:
My Family: Sally and I have been married for 17 years. No kids. She's a retired professor at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon. She's also a tennis geek. Emily and Bart are our 15-year old feline kids.
Favorite Memories: There were dozens of good times in the band, such as me, a skinny oboeist, playing the bass drum in the marching band. Baseball and tennis memories...caught a no-hitter as a junior, gave our first baseman (Clark) a concussion in a collision going for a popup, was team MVP as a senior, and got slaughtered in tennis by a top spinning lefty from East High (Allen Loeb) heading to Stanford. Did I look like a whirling Dervish? Loved Wallace, Truglio and Christensen. Had a big crush on Joan Simeral, was in Spanish class when Kennedy was killed, was shocked when I didn't win Student Body President (Binder got me and Jim Niles). Loved those high school years... Back |  |  |  |