Carl Anderson
Queenstown, Maryland



What's Up:
After living in Colorado for 58 years we moved to the beautiful Eastern Shore of Maryland, east of Annapolis and north of St. Michaels. I still fish ( rockfish instead of trout),  strum the guitar once in a while, try to learn magic tricks for my Grandsons,  take road trips and explore the east coast. We still love to travel, Alicia and I, ever since we married in 1970. 

My Occupation:
My occupation in Colorado used to be real estate.  I was an appraiser and a broker and a lender in Colorado since 1979.  Alicia and I  always worked together as a team, and we really liked it for many reasons.  We are doing the same thing now, but less.  It is really a lot of fun to appraise and sell  all the different kinds of property out here from farms to waterfront estates. 

My Family:
We have two children and five grand children.  Life is good!

Favorite Memories:
Spanish class with Joe Truglio, going to Spain over the summer of 1965,  trip to California and Mexico in  the summer of 1964 with  Herb Schmidt, John Marks, and Monty Tanner in Johns 1957 Chevy.






Last modified:
June 30, 2018