Special Thanks to:
Jay Byerly and his extraordinary staff. (Owner and proprietor of the Crystal Rose,
Lookout Mountain, Jay hosted every planning meeting, free of charge and
hosted the reunion party on Saturday night!)
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40th Reunion Planning Committee/Search Teams: Steve
Binder, Bob Brown, Jay Byerly, Tom Byington, Sharon Caves, John Chapman,
Bruce DeCook, Paul Fallico, Pat Ferguson, Mary Anne Havens, Mary Ann
Heberlein, Linda Heuring, Kathy Jackson, Terry Johnson, Carl Koonsman,
Alan Kraning, John Larson, John Lickly, Fred Littlepage, Mary McFerren,
Sue Meadows, Joan Meister, Linda Michels, Chuck Miller, Carol Morehouse,
Patti O’Neall, Fred Overholt, Milt Presler, Steve Roark, Rick Sanzolone,
Kaye Storrs, Jim Tharp, Judy Wolvington
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40th Reunion - Linda and Mike Snell, for capturing the reunion activity on video and
Mr. Larry Wallace for providing the music recording of the 1965
Mr. Ralph Hinst for providing the music/words to
our school “fight” song.
Kara Larson Broussard '92 and Jocelyn Nelson for their fabulous Farmer
40th Reunion - California-style Mini Reunion: Steve Siljestrom
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Thanks to
US Flags and American
Patriotic gifs & images for the use of the animated USA flag
on the Memorial pages
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40th Reunion Decorating Design Team: Terry Johnson, Joan Meister, Mary
McFerren, Linda Michels Balloon-toter: Fred Overholt Pre-reunion Decorators: To all who resurrected their crepe paper
skills!Reunion Posters: Kris Schwarz Mr. Ellis-style Time Line: Joan Meister
Printing Reunion Program: Milt Presler Program Design/Name Tags: John Lickly, Linda Michels, John
Larson, Kathy Jackson, Alan Kraning Friday Night’s Gathering: Patti O’Neall,
John Chapman Teacher Liaison: Alan Kraning Media/Writer: John Lickly, Linda Michels
Memorial Album: Alan Kraning, Linda Michels, John Larson, Mary
McFerren Past Reunion Booklets: Alan Kraning, Sue Meadows
Registration Table: Irma Easterly, Terry Johnson, Connie
Redman WRHS Sports Boosters Sales Table: Carl Koonsman
Masters of Ceremony: Jay Byerly, John Lickly, Alan Kraning, Bruce DeCook
Teacher Introductions: Mimi Grover, John Larson, John Chapman,
Alan Kraning, June Giddings, Kathy Jackson, Bruce DeCook, Fred
Littlepage, Lynn Gordon Pep Band: Ralph Hinst, Buck Hite, John Larson, Dave Leever, Mike
Snell Pep Band Cheerleaders: Susie Bebber, Diane Kifer '66, Tia Tyler
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Webmaster: Mike Snell
Web Site Support: John Larson and
Linda Michels
Web Site Scanning: Alan Kraning, John Larson, Mike Snell
Web Site Design Team: Mike Snell, John Larson, Linda Michels,
Alan Kraning,
John Lickly
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